Project reference


Contract duration

 2018 - 2020






 Communication & media

Visibility & communication for the European Union in Cambodia

At global level, the contract aimed to achieve the following objectives:
  • the gradual establishment of an improved EU visibility in Cambodia as a key player in providing development cooperation assistance that promotes EU values such as good governance, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, focusing on quality service delivery to all and finally inclusive and sustainable development– results;
  • present the EU's achievements in the last 21 years towards making a difference in the lives of the common people in Cambodia;
  • project a clear picture of the EU's image and the manner, in which the EU's global identity impacts on relations with Cambodia, through agreed overall messages, as well as specific thematic messages derived from the policy areas in which the EU is active;
  • effective communication of the EU's development cooperation actions in Cambodia and the use of EU funds.
The specific objectives of this contract are:
  • to develop, in consultation with the EU Delegation management, staff, and relevant stakeholders, a 'Communication and Visibility Strategy' with clearly defined goals, objectives, and achievable action plans, together with measurable indicators that can be monitored and measured over time.
  • to support implementation of the Communication and Visibility Strategy by developing innovative approaches to showcase the EU's visibility in Cambodia guided by agreed overall messages and showcase through specific thematic messages covering EU policies and EU's projects and programmes.
  • to enhance communication skills for EUD staff and EU implementing partners/organisations to deliver communication products that are of quality for Cambodian and European audiences.
  • to contribute to change in perceptions of EUD staff and EU implementing partners/organisations towards the importance of the communication and visibility for the EU in Cambodia.