Project reference


Contract duration



243,211.00 € (finally paid)




 Education, Institutional development, Project implementation / Technical Assistance

Strengthening education statisitcs in Niger: correction of inconsistencies observed, diagnosis and plan to strengthen the education management information system (EMIS)

The National Statistical System (SSN) in Niger is composed, according to Law No. 2004-011 of 30 March 2004 and its implementing decrees, of all public and parapublic services and organizations that produce and disseminate statistical data. Since an amendment to the law in November 2014, the INS has been institutionally anchored at the level of the Ministry in charge of the Plan. The main tasks of the INS are to collect, centralize, process and disseminate the statistical data necessary for the formulation, implementation and evaluation of the government's economic and social policies and the cooperation programmes of Niger's various development partners.
Statistics Departments existed at the level of each ministerial department. However, the organizational structure of the Nigerian national statistical system was not yet complete. The availability of human, material and financial resources within these directorates was far from satisfactory.
Sectoral statistical production remained insufficient, not only in terms of thematic coverage and regularity but also and above all in terms of quality. In addition, Niger's administrative, political, institutional, economic and even socio-cultural environment was changing rapidly, creating new needs in terms of statistical data.
In this context, it seemed necessary and urgent: (i) to verify and correct the data for the 2016-2017 school year in order to ensure the reliability and quality of the data from the last two school years and their official validation, and (ii) to carry out this complete diagnosis of the EMIS in order to put in place any palliative measures required to obtain quality data. This dual exercise contributed to the preparation of the ETP but also ensured the availability of data to allow for a possible disbursement of European budget support.


 Particip (Lead), ADE, GOPA PACE (ex B&S Europe SA)