Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2025





Conflict Prevention and Mediation

The EU is building its own capacities to identify conflict risks early and contribute to strengthening the overall conflict prevention, peace building and mediation capacity of the international community. It strives to establish and promote the use of mediation as a tool of first response to emerging or ongoing crisis situations. As stated by the revised EU concept on Mediation and Dialogue (November 2020), the EU is a uniquely placed actor on conflict prevention and mediation.The EU aims to continue using mediation, conflict Early Warning and conflict analysis in a more systematic way as an efficient and cost-effective instrument to prevent and resolve conflicts.
The objective of the contract is to provide the EEAS.ISP.2 Division (Conflict prevention and Mediation support) high quality external expertise (technical assistance) and logistics support in the fields of conflict prevention and analysis, peace mediation and dialogue support.
Activities under this contract may require expertise in the following thematic areas:
1) Peace mediation and dialogue facilitation;
2) Peace process support;
3) Conflict prevention and peace building;
4) Conflict sensitivity and conflict analysis, including risk assessments also in relation to specific programmes or support measures,
5) Conflict scenario building;
6) Climate change and conflict, including natural resources and environmental degradation – water and land - and their impact on peace/conflict;
7) Conflict early warning and horizon scanning;
8) Women, peace and security; Gender-sensitivity in peace processes and conflict prevention and peacebuilding;
9) Youth and peacebuilding;
10) Post-conflict transitions;
11) Religious groups and mediation;
12) Election related violence;
13) (Digital) Media and conflict;
14) Impact of digitalization on peace and conflict and the use of digital tools;
15) Conflict and education.
Summary of assignments implemented by November 2022: Mission no./title/no. of fee days
OF 1_2021 Sahel workshop 5
OF 2_2021 Conflict Analysis Screenings (CAS):
OF 2,01_2021 CAS – Papua New Guinea 20
OF 2,02_2021 CAS – Congo Brazzaville20
OF 2,03_2021 CAS – Burundi 20
OF 2,04_2021 CAS – Guinea-Bissau 10
OF 2,05_2021 CAS – Madagascar 20
OF 2,06_2021 CAS – Ethiopia 35
OF 2,07_2021 CAS – Central African Republic 20
OF 2,08_2021 CAS – Benin 20
OF 2,09_2021 CAS – Kyrgyz Republic 20
OF 2,10_2021 Pre-CAS – Somalia 20
OF 2,11_2021 CAS – Kenya 30
OF 2,12_2021 CAS – Yemen 20
OF 2,13_2021 CAS support (JNKE) 48
OF 3_2021 20 years Afghanistan 39
OF 4_2021 Peer2Peer coaching 18
OF 5_2021 Ceasefire Ethiopia 15
OF 6_2021 CAS Belarus 14
OF 7_2021 EUD Heads – Horn of Africa 4
OF 8_2021 Horn of Africa 15
OF 1_2022 Conflict Analysis Screenings (CAS)
OF 1,01_2022 CAS – Burkina Faso 20
OF 1,02_2022 CAS – Bangladesh 20
OF 1,03_2022 CAS – Philippines 20
OF 1,04_2022 CAS – Venezuela 20
OF 1,05_2022 CAS – Eswatini 20
OF 1,06_2022 CAS – Jordan 20
OF 1,07_2022 CAS – Somalia 20
OF 1,08_2022 CAS – Sierra Leone 20
OF 1,09_2022 CAS – Senegal 20
OF 1,10_2022 CAS – Central Asia 20
OF 2,14_2022 CAS support (JNKE) 40
OF 2_2022 Social Media Lessons Learned 14
OF 3_2022 Mediation Retreat 4
OF 4_2022 Logistical support 4
OF 5_2022 Workshop in DRC 2 expert 7
OF 6_2022 Workshop – Conflict Prevention Ghana 2
OF 7_2022 Workshop on Women, Peace and Security in Burkina Faso 2
OF 8_2022 Support for Policy Framework for a Crises Approach in DRC 10
OF 9_2022 Conflict Analysis Screenings (CAS)
OF 9,01_2021 CAS – Mauritania 20
OF 9,02_2021 CAS – Chad 20
OF 9,07_2021 CAS – Armenia 20
OF 9,08_2021 CAS – Azerbaijan 20
OF 10_2022 Ecuador Mediation support 15
OF 11_2022 Spill over effects of Sahel on West Africa Coastal Countries 10
OF 12_2022 Community of Practice 2022 10
OF 13_2022 Mediation and Dialogue Scoping to Burkina Faso16