Référence de projet


Durée de l'engagement

 2019 - 2020




 Afghanistan, Myanmar, Palestine, Somalie, Syrie


 Monitoring & Evaluation

Evaluation of Finland's Country Strategy Modality in Fragile Situations

The evaluation assessed the applicability and feasibility of the Country Strategy instrument in fragile contexts, given their specific challenges and requirements. It will draw evidence from the experience of Country Strategies in five contexts, namely Afghanistan, Myanmar, the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Somalia and Syria/Iraq, to draw wider findings and conclusions. It will cover the period 2012-2020, with the emphasis on more recent activity (2016 onwards) and its main body of work will be completed during the period March 2019-April 2020.
The evaluation’s specific objectives are as follows:
  • To assess the coherence between the five country strategies and MFA internal strategies and multilateral influencing plans, as well as with the Finnish Development Policy Programme 2016;
  • To assess the relevance of Finland’s co-operation in fragile situations, as supported by Country Strategies, to the needs of beneficiaries and to the complexities of the context, including adaptation over time (e.g. the ‘triple nexus’);To assess role of Country Strategies in supporting the appropriateness and feasibility of Finland’s policy dialogue in fragile contexts;
  • To assess the appropriateness of multi-bi cooperation as the main channel for delivery in fragile contexts;
  • To assess the extent to which Finnish development priorities, as articulated in Country Strategies, are prioritised within planning and implementation of multi-bi co-operation, including in ensuring that crosscutting objectives (the rights of the most vulnerable, gender equality and climate change preparedness and mitigation) are integrated as appropriate/feasible;
  • To assess the extent to which Country Strategies have supported co-operation to be conflict sensitive and to adhere to international commitments relevant to fragile situations, such as the International Humanitarian Principles, Do No Harm and Accountability to Affected Populations;
  • To assess the role of Country Strategies in supporting results achieved by Finnish co-operation, as far as they can be determined;
  • To assess the role of Country Strategies in supporting Finland’s approach to partnership (including relationship-building, predictability and the adoption of a principled approach) in fragile contexts, particularly as perceived by external partners.
The report and other material are available at: https://um.fi/development-cooperation-evaluation-reports-comprehensive-evaluations/-/asset_publisher/nBPgGHSLrA13/content/evaluointiraportti-ulkoministeri-c3-b6n-maaohjelmien-soveltuvuus-hauraissa-maissa-ja-konfliktiymp-c3-a4rist-c3-b6iss-c3-a4-teht-c3-a4v-c3-a4-c3-a4n-ke/384998