Référence de projet


Durée de l'engagement

 2023 - 2024






 Food and nutrition, Monitoring & Evaluation

Final Evaluation of Satellite Index Insurance for Pastoralists in Ethiopia (SIIPE) Programme (2019-2022)

The Satellite Index Insurance for Pastoralists in Ethiopia (SIIPE) programme offered a weather-index microinsurance to pastoralists households in the Somali region of Ethiopia, conditional on their participation in public works under the Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP), to mitigate the impact of drought on their livelihoods.
This final evaluation of SIIPE covers the period from 2019 to 2022 and aims to identify the changes at beneficiary level induced by the programme in terms of protection against climate risk, behaviour, and well-being. It has the double purpose of accountabilty and learning and is expected to facilitate decision-making on improvement and scale-up of the intervention in the Somali region, potential replication in other regions, and resource mobilisation for similar programmes.
The evaluation covers the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainabiltiy employing a mixed methods approach. The quantitative approach has adopted a quasi-experimental design (matching) to compare beneficiary households in SIIPE neighbourhoods (kebeles) with similar households in kebeles outside the intervention areas, based on a large-scale household survey. Qualitative research methods include focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and in-depth interviews.


 C4ED (Lead), Particip