Référence de projet


Durée de l'engagement







 Governance, Institutional development, Public finance/budgeting

Appraisal of the Tax Sector Support to Tanzania (TAXTAN) programme

Domestic Revenue Mobilization through a fair and efficient tax system is critical to the achievement of Tanzania’s Five Year development Plan III and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Tax Sector Support to Tanzania (TAXTAN) derives from the needs that the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) has for the implementation of its Sixth Corporate Plan (CP6), which has the themes of operational excellence, taxpayer’s engagement, automation, and innovation. The programme comprises two types of funding support, sector budget support (SBS) and technical assistance (TA), which are co-funded by the European Union (EU) and the Government of Finland (GoF).
The objective of the appraisal is to adjust the Programme Document to the changes agreed between EU and Finland concerning the roles of both donors. The appraisal is expected to propose feasible solutions to accommodate the agreed changes to the design of the Programme, for example to the organizational structures, implementation strategy, resource allocations and budget. Other issue to assess is the TRA’s current partners and donors and the modality and field of their cooperation and to take these into consideration while revising the Programme Document.
The appraisal focuses on the feasibility of the programme. Feasibility includes overall feasibility, feasibility of the management, implementation and financial arrangements and sector specific considerations. The appraisal also covers relevant aspects concerning relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of the programme. The appraisal shall also assess the relevance of the programme in the light of Finland’s new government programme.